Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month - September 2020


The DPHS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee invites you to celebrate the unique and diverse Hispanic/Latinx cultures through food. Covid-19 has many of us at home this year, so the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is hosting a fun virtual celebration that can be done with everyone in your household.

When: Tuesday, September 29 at 5:15pm dinner ready by 6:15pm. https://duke.zoom.us/j/95078024509


Arroz con Pollo- Chicken and Rice
Arrox con Gandules- Rice and Pigeon Peas (vegan option)

**Both recipes are dairy and gluten free.**

We want to acknowledge that this event in no way fully represents all of Hispanic or Latinx heritage or fully explores the unique challenges that these communities are currently facing.

Other local events celebrating Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month here

Learn More About Hispanic/Latinx Heritage

  1. Netflix: Latin History for Morons
  2. PBS Specials: Hispanic-Heritage-Month
  3. One Day at a Time: a comedy show that highlights several issues pertinent to the Hispanic community
  4. The History of the term Latinx
  5. Article on Latinx-led mutual aid here
  6. Reading resources from Duke University press
  7. A sad and very recent part of Duke’s history

Get Involved in the Hispanic/LatinX Community

  1. El Centro Hispano is a Latino non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening the community, building bridges and advocating for equity and inclusion for Hispanics/Latinos in the Triangle area of North Carolina
  2. El Futuro is a nonprofit outpatient clinic that provides comprehensive mental health services for Latino families in a bilingual environment of healing and hope
  3. Poder NC Action is a 501(c)(4) organization that does civic and leadership development with Latinxs who share our values. We also educate the public about Latinx issues and independently support candidates who share our values. We are pro-Black, pro-Latinx, pro-LGBTQ, and pro-Choice
  4. The Hispanic League a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, strives to improve the quality of life for Hispanics/Latinos through promoting community inclusion, education, health and multicultural understanding
  5. The Migrant Solidarity Fund was established to provide mutual aid and emergency assistance to migrants impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. This fund prioritizes undocumented migrants who are not able to access social services and social support programs
  6. The Mi Para Ti mutual aid fund welcomes community contributions in solidarity with Latinx communities in rural North Carolina
