DPHS Research Seminar: Bridging Substance Use Policy Research and Implementation Science

Event sponsored by:

Duke Department of Population Health Sciences




Beth McGinty, PhD, MS, Livingston Farrand Professor of Public Health and Chief of the Division of Health Policy and Economics at Weill Cornell Medical College

Talking Points

  • Often quantitative policy research focuses on the effects of having versus not having a policy and ignores the role of implementation. 
  • Mixed-methods approaches can help to us understand how policy implementation influences policy outcomes.


About the Presenter

Beth McGinty, PhD, MS  is the Livingston Farrand Professor of Public Health and Chief of the Division of Health Policy and Economics at Weill Cornell Medical College. She studies policies affecting stigmatized populations, with a focus on mental health, substance use, and chronic pain. Dr. McGinty received her PhD in Health and Public Policy from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in 2013.


Additional Meeting Details

  • Zoom Meeting ID: 983 5009 0643
  • This research seminar will be recorded.
  • This research seminar will be hybrid.