Mr. Adhikari is an Analyst Programmer on the PopHealth DataShare analytics team and Lead Query Programmer for the FDA Sentinel project. His areas of expertise are in statistical analysis, biostatics, data science, machine learning, and SAS programming for health-related datasets. He enjoys playing with big data and always looks to utilize it for the betterment of living beings.
Prior to joining Duke, he was involved in creating and validating analysis datasets and generating tables, listings, and figures. He also worked as a consultant statistician for imputing missing data on satellite imagery to develop a multi-sensor imagery approach to reduce observation latency and improve surface hydrology modeling to support more efficient management of on-farm reservoirs in the U.S. and to mitigate downstream impacts. During his MS, he developed an R Shiny app that explores data and compares two different models, then recommends the model with the better fit for predictive analysis.
Mr. Adhikari is trained in SAS, R, and SQL and received his Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering from Tribhuvan University in Nepal, and MS in Statistics from NC State University.