Dr. Lippmann is a biostatistician/epidemiologist in the PopHealth DataShare™ analytics team with expertise in Medicare claims data analysis and a range of analytical and technical skills including complex data management and advanced SAS statistical programming. He has applied his analytical training to disparate research areas, including cardiovascular disease, medical devices, informatics, emergency department surveillance, injury epidemiology, and environmental health impact analysis.
Dr. Lippman taught epidemiological methods courses as a graduate teaching assistant for two core epidemiology courses at UNC, is currently a small group instructor at the Duke University Physician’s Assistant program, and trains new analysts on accessing and analyzing data within the DataShare SAS/UNIX environment. Prior to joining Duke, he worked as a UNC graduate research assistant in the Carolina Center for Health Informatics and the UNC Injury Prevention Research Center. Before UNC, he was a research assistant at Harvard School of Public Health’s Injury Control Research Center.
Dr. Lippman is first author on three manuscripts and four conference abstracts, and co-author on twelve additional manuscripts and numerous conference abstracts, including articles in Circulation, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, JACC Heart Failure, Chest, and Environmental Research. He received his BS in Biology and Society from Cornell University and his PhD in Epidemiology from the Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina.