QualCore partners with investigators across a wide range of disciplines and throughout the research continuum, from writing grants to disseminating findings. Listed below are QualCore’s current and past research partnerships and QualCore-led research projects.
Patient Centered Aspects of Treatment Switching Behavior among Multiple Myeloma Patients
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Juan Marcos Gonzalez, PhD, Assistant Professor in Population Health Sciences (at the time of study implementation), to identify aspects of multiple myeloma therapies that affect patients’ preferences for treatment continuation, including health-related quality of life aspects. Findings were used to inform a subsequent discrete choice experiment survey.
In collaboration with Dr. Gonzalez, a QualCore faculty member contributed to study design and question guide development. Interviewers conducted qualitative concept elicitation interviews with patients. Analysts led the thematic analysis of interview data and wrote analytical summaries. A QualCore interviewer/analyst led manuscript preparation.
Educational Videos to Address Racial Disparities in Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Therapy via Innovative Designs
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Kevin Thomas, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Cardiology (at the time of study implementation), to describe factors impacting African American patients’ decision-making for implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) implantation and the potential effect of racial concordance on the decision for ICD implantation as part of the Videos to reduce racial disparities in ICD therapy Via Innovative Designs (VIVID) trial.
QualCore interviewers and analysts recruited patients, conducted in-depth interviews, analyzed data thematically, and wrote analytical summaries. A faculty member and interviewers/analysts contributed to manuscript preparation.
Caregiver Support Needs During Hurricanes, Floods & COVID-19
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigators Nathan Boucher, PhD, Associate Research Professor in the Sanford School of Public Policy, and Megan Shepherd-Banigan, PhD, Assistant Professor in Population Health Sciences, to understand the needs of family caregivers before, during, and after natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods, as well as during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study aimed to identify the challenges faced by caregivers and the types of support that would be most helpful in these situations.
QualCore interviewers conducted in-depth interviews with caregivers and analysts thematically analyzed the interview data. A QualCore interview/analyst contributed to manuscript preparation.
Improving the Lives of Persons with Dementia and Their Families through Person-Centered Measurement of Home Time
Status: On-going
QualCore is partnering with principal investigator Courtney Van Houtven, PhD, Professor in Population Health Sciences, to develop a person-centered measure of “home time” for persons living with dementia (PWD) and their caregivers. The study aims to identify how quality of life for PWD and their informal caregivers varies depending on the PWD’s time spent in different health care settings and away from home.
Interviewers conduct in-depth interviews with PWD and their caregivers, and analysts thematically analyze the interview data. A QualCore interviewer/analyst will contribute to manuscript preparation.
The Impact of Race and Ethnicity on Listing for Liver Transplant after Referral
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal Investigator Julius Wilder, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology (at the time of study implementation), to describe patients’ experiences in the liver transplant referral process, perceived barriers to liver transplant referral and listing, and understanding of the liver transplant referral and listing process among racially diverse populations.
A QualCore faculty member provided mentorship in study design, grant proposal writing, question guide development, and writing study findings. Interviewers conducted in-depth interviews with patients. Analysts led the thematic analysis of the interview data and wrote analytical summaries.
Social Determinants of Disparities in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Status: On-going
QualCore is partnering with principal Investigator Julius Wilder, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology, to investigate the social determinants of health (SDOH) contributing to racial and ethnic disparities in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) outcomes. The study aims to identify how socioeconomic and psychosocial factors impact IBD care and outcomes among African American and Latinx patients in North Carolina. Findings will be used to develop an intervention to address these disparities.
Interviewers conduct in-depth interviews with African American IBD patients to explore their experiences, barriers, and understanding of IBD care. Analysts lead the thematic analysis of the interview data. The QualCore team contributes to manuscript preparation.
Seminary to Ministry
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator David Eagle, PhD, Assistant Research Professor in the Duke Global Health Institute and the Clergy Health Initiative (CHI) at Duke Divinity School, to implement a longitudinal study examining how the health and wellbeing of students entering seminary changes throughout their schooling and early career. Multiple cohorts of Duke seminary students were enrolled. The research documented their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health through quantitative surveys, biomarkers, and serial qualitative in-depth interviews.
In collaboration with Dr. Eagle, a QualCore faculty member contributed to protocol development and led development of the qualitative question guides. Interviewers conducted in-depth interviews with students and recent graduates. Analysts led the thematic analysis of the interview data and wrote up the study findings. The QualCore team also provided tailored training for CHI staff to build capacity in designing question guides and conducting in-depth interviews and thematic analysis. The QualCore faculty and interviewers/analysts contributed to manuscript preparation.
Perspectives of Students of Color, Parents and Caregivers of Students of Color, and School Personnel on SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Schools and other COVID-19 Mitigation Practices
Status: On-going
QualCore is partnering with principal investigator Kanecia Zimmerman, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics at the Duke Clinical Research Institute, to assess the acceptability of SARS-CoV-2 screening, masking, and vaccination, and describe the perspectives of COVID-19 mitigation practices among Black and Latino students, parents of Black and Latino students, and school personnel.
QualCore faculty lead the study design and protocol development of the qualitative study aim. Interviewers conduct in-depth interviews with parents/caregivers, photo-elicitation interviews with students, and focus group discussions with school personnel from both public and charter schools. Analysts lead the thematic analysis of the interview and focus group data. A QualCore faculty member and interviewers/analysts lead manuscript preparation.
Addressing Barriers to Achieving Treatment Goals for Cardiometabolic Disorders in Persons Living with HIV in the Southeastern United States
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Charles Muiruri, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor in the Department of Population Health Sciences, to identify social determinants of health (SDOH) and barriers to achieving treatment goals for cardiometabolic disorders such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and type 2 diabetes. The project involved in-depth interviews using photo elicitation to capture the social and environmental determinants of health, and assess PLWH’s knowledge, skills, and confidence for self-management, in order to inform a self-management support and education intervention.
QualCore faculty/co-investigator and team contributed to study design, protocol development, and the creation of interview guides. QualCore also provided training to site coordinators for instructing participants in photo elicitation, photo missions, and the ethical use of cameras. Interviewers conducted in-depth interviews and analysts led a focused rapid data analysis. The QualCore team also supported manuscript preparation.
Pathways to Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Impact of Specialty Referral in Under-Represented Racial/Ethnic Minorities with HIV
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Gerald Bloomfield, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Cardiology, and co-investigator, Charles Muiruri, PhD, MPH, Medical Instructor in the Department of Population Health Sciences (at the time of study implementation), to identify facilitators and barriers to optimal cardiovascular prevention among under-represented racial and ethnic minorities living with HIV (R01MD013493).
A QualCore faculty member provided mentorship to the study team in developing question guides and writing up the study findings. Interviewers conducted interviews with providers and provided tailored training for site teams to build capacity in conducting in-depth interviews with patients. Analysts led both rapid and formal thematic analyses of data and prepared analytical summaries. A QualCore faculty member and interviewers/analysts contributed to manuscript preparation.
ACCION PrEP: Equity-focused Implementation Mapping to Improve PrEP Update and Maintenance Among Latines
Status: On-going
QualCore is partnering with Sadie Wilson, PhD, Assistant Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of an equity-focused implementation plan to improve PrEP use among Latines in Mecklenburg County.
QualCore faculty and team contribute to the development of interview guides. Interviewers conduct in-depth interviews. Analysts lead thematic data analysis and prepare analytical summaries. QualCore provides support in preparing manuscripts.
Community-Driven Approaches for Promoting Injectable PrEP for HIV Prevention among Black Same-Gender Loving Men in Durham, NC
Status: On-going
QualCore faculty (Corneli) serves as the principal investigator together with community investigator, Terry Munn, MSW, the CEO of Triangle Empowerment Center, to gather perspectives of Black same-gender loving men (BSGLM) on the barriers and facilitators of using injectable PrEP and to identify methods to increase interest in PrEP and engagement with PrEP services.
In conjunction with the community investigators, QualCore established a paid working group of BSGLM to guide the research. QualCore moderators and community partners conduct focus group discussions with BSGLM to explore multi-level factors influencing injectable PrEP uptake. Analysts lead the thematic analysis of study data and prepare analytical summaries. The team prepares manuscripts collectively.
COVID-19, Sexual Behaviors, and PrEP Use
Status: Completed
QualCore faculty (Corneli) served as the investigator of a NIH-funded, Center for AIDS Research pilot research qualitative study on the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexual activity, PrEP use, and well-being; desire and perceived ability to continue using PrEP during the early phases of the pandemic; and expectations for future sexual activity post-social distancing among Black same gender loving men in Charlotte, NC, and Black cisgender women in New Orleans, LA., in partnership with Chelsea Gulden, MSW with Rain; Wesley Thompson, MHS, PA-C with Amity Medical Group; Susan Reif, PhD with Duke University, and Meredith Clement, MD at Louisiana State University Health.
QualCore faculty led study design and protocol development. Interviews conducted the in-depth interviews and analysts led the thematic analysis of the interview data. QualCore faculty led manuscript development.
Designing an Ethnodrama Intervention Addressing PrEP Stigma Toward Young Women
Status: On-going
QualCore faculty (Corneli) serves as the principal investigator of a NIH-funded developmental R01 (R01TW012673) to develop, pre-test, and pilot test an ethnodrama intervention called Loko Paro e wii jo ma mine kod PrEP (Transforming Attitudes about Young Women using PrEP). Loko Paro is designed to reduce stigma experienced by young cisgender women by transforming community member beliefs about young cisgender women and PrEP use and creating a supportive environment where young women’s PrEP use is normalized, rather than stigmatized. The research is conducted in Partnership with Impact Research and Development Organization (IRDO) in Kenya, together with Eldoret Film Festival and Tinada Youth Organization in Kenya, Moi University in Kenya, and Theater Delta in the U.S.
Together with the co-investigator at IRDO, the late Kawango Agot, PhD, MPH, MPhil, FAAS, QualCore faculty developed the study design, protocol, and data collection instruments. Theater partners, CJ Odhiambo, D.phil (Moi University) and Lyn Dickinson (Theater Delta) led the development of the ethnodrama storylines using study findings from previous research (R21MH116778). The IRDO and theater teams lead the pre-testing and piloting activities, and collectively, IRDO and QualCore will analyze the study data. All team partners contribute to writing up the study findings.
Engaging pharmacies in HIV prevention in South Carolina
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Charles Burns, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, to assess the feasibility of advancing HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) delivery in the southern United States through pharmacists.
A QualCore faculty member contributed to the mixed-method study design and led the development of the qualitative interview guides. Interviewers conducted in-depth interviews with pharmacists. Analysts led the thematic analysis of interview and the writing of the qualitative study findings. The QualCore team supported manuscript preparation.
Getting to [NO]ne in New Orleans: Enhancing PrEP Uptake among Black Women to End the Epidemic
Status: Completed
QualCore faculty (Corneli) served as the supplement investigator of a NIH-funded, Center for AIDS Research, Ending the HIV Epidemic Administrative Supplement and partnered with Meredith Clement, MD, Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Infectious Disease Section, at Louisiana State University Health, and the Black Women and PrEP Task Force (BWAP), to identify locally-conceived strategies for engaging Black women in New Orleans in PrEP services plan for implementation of the strategies.
QualCore led the development of formative research, and partners used the study findings, including BWAP’s lived experiences as influencers in New Orleans, to identify implementation strategies. The team contributed to manuscript preparation and development of the subsequent R34 (R34MH129211), Start the conversation: A multi-level PrEP initiative for Black women in NOLA. The team partnered on manuscript preparation.
HEROIC-PrEP: Health Record Optimization for Identifying Candidates for PrEP
Status: On-going
QualCore is partnering with principal Investigator Lance Okeke, MD, MPH, Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, and Meredith Clement, MD, Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Infectious Disease Section, at Louisiana State University Health, on a R01 (R01AI169641) to assess the acceptability and feasibility of an EHR-based HIV risk model and its two implementation strategies—a partnership with local community-based organizations for PrEP outreach and linkage, and real-time alerts for emergency department and acute care center providers and staff.
A QualCore faculty member/co-investigator leads qualitative formative component. Interviewers conduct interviews and focus group discussions. Analyst lead the thematic analysis of study data. QualCore staff also provide tailored training to community partners in conducting in-depth interviews and focus groups. The QualCore faculty member and interviewers/analysts contribute to manuscript writing.
Levering Southern Community-Based Pharmacies for PrEP Referrals
Status: On-going
QualCore is partnering with principal investigator Charles Burns, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, to investigate how community-based pharmacies in the U.S South can be engaged in pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) referral efforts. The study explores the perceived acceptability and feasibility of an independent community pharmacy-driven PrEP referral program, and assesses the implementation of a pilot PrEP referral program.
A QualCore faculty member/co-investigator contributes to the study design and protocol development. QualCore faculty and team lead the development of the interview guides. Interviewers conduct in-depth interviews and analysts lead both rapid and formal thematic data analysis and the writing of the study findings. The QualCore team also supports manuscript preparation.
mHealth Peer Support to Reduce Rates of STIs in Black MSM PrEP Users
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Meredith Clement, MD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine, Infectious Disease Section, at Louisiana State University Health (at the time of study implementation), on her K23 research (K23AI137121) which examined the predictors of STIs as well facilitators and barriers to STI risk reduction practices among Black men who have sex with men (MSM) who use PrEP. The findings were used to adapt and pilot the mSMART app for its feasibility and preliminary impact in reducing STI incidence.
A QualCore faculty member provided mentorship in study design and grant proposal development of the qualitative component, and in developing the question guides and manuscripts. Analysts contributed to the thematic analysis of the interview data and prepared analytical summaries. A QualCore faculty member and interviewers/analysts contributed to manuscript preparation.
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal Investigator Mehri McKellar, MD, Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases (at the time of study implementation) to evaluate Partner Up: a telemedicine-based program to provide PWID with medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) with buprenorphine/naloxone (bup/nx) and oral PrEP through two syringe services programs (SSP) in North Carolina.
A QualCore faculty member/co-investigator developed the qualitative evaluation, in partnership with the study team, and designed the question guides. Interviewers contributed to question guide development and conducted the interviews. Analysts analyzed the study data findings thematically and wrote analytical summaries. The QualCore faculty member and an interviewer/analyst led manuscript writing of the qualitative research findings.
Picture Me HIV Free: Using Photovoice to Identify Factors Shaping PrEP Adherence
Status: Completed
QualCore faculty (Corneli) served as the principal investigator of a NIH-funded R21 (R21MH116778) study to identify salient multi-level factors that influence adherence and persistence to PrEP among young cisgender women in Kenya. The research was conducted in Partnership with Impact Research and Development Organization (IRDO) and partners at the University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG).
The study design and protocol was designed collectively with the co-investigator at IRDO, the late Kawango Agot, PhD, MPH, MPhil, FAAS, and co-investigators at UNGC, Robert Strack - UNC Greensboro, and Muhsin Orsini, EdD. Collectively, the team developed the data collection instruments, research staff at IRDO led the photovoice activities and subsequent in-depth interviews, and QualCore analysts lead the thematic analysis of the study data and wrote analytical summaries describing the study findings. The investigators and teams at IRDO and QualCore led the development of study manuscripts.
PrEP-MECK: Increasing PrEP Uptake among Black same gender loving men
Status: Completed
QualCore faculty (Corneli) served as the supplement investigator of a NIH-funded, Center for AIDS Research, Ending the HIV Epidemic Administrative Supplement to establish PrEP-MECK, a collaborative partnership with the community-based organization RAIN, the Amity Medical Group, and Duke University researchers. Together, the team conducted iterative preparatory research to identify factors influencing PrEP uptake and to develop strategies to address determinants among Black same gender loving men in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
The study design and protocol was designed collectively with partners Chelsea Gulden, MSW (RAIN), Wesley Thompson, MHS, PA-C (Amity), and Susan Reif, PhD. The team also established and facilitated community advisory board meetings, developed the data collection instruments, conducted in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, and used the study findings to identify implementation strategies to address the determinants identified. The investigators and teams led manuscript development.
Readiness for Delivery of PrEP in the Urgent Care Setting
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Charles Burns, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, to determine readiness for delivering PrEP in the urgent care setting among key stakeholders. The project involved analyzing in-depth interviews with both patients and providers to determine facilitators and barriers to accessing PrEP as well as feasibility and acceptability of accessing PrEP in an Urgent Care setting.
A QualCore faculty member provided mentorship in developing the study design and question guides, and analysts thematically analyzed the interviewed data. QualCore supports manuscript preparation.
Start the conversation: A multi-level PrEP initiative for Black women in NOLA
Status: On-going
QualCore faculty (Corneli) serves as the multiple principal investigator, together with Meredith Clement, MD, Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Infectious Disease Section, at Louisiana State University Health, on a NIH-funded R34 (R34MH129211) to pilot two implementation strategies to increase PrEP uptake among Black cisgender women in New Orleans. Together with investigator Sheree Schwartz, PhD, Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins University, and the Black Women and PrEP Task Force, the study assesses the implementation of implementation strategies at the patient and provider levels—a social media campaign and a training and support program for GYN residents to offer and prescribe PrEP.
QualCore faculty and team lead the development of the interview guides as well as the development and implementation of the social media campaign. Interviewers conduct formative and evaluative in-depth interviews, and analysts lead both rapid and formal thematic data analysis. Investigators used formative findings to develop GYN training and support program. The QualCore team also provides support in preparing manuscripts.
Strategies to Eliminate PrEP-Related Stigmas for African American Women (STEPS)
Status: On-going
QualCore is partnering with principal investigator Suur Ayangeakaa, PhD, Assistant Professor of Population Health Sciences, to investigate the role of intersectional stigma in pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) utilization patterns for African American women and to develop multi-level stigma mitigation strategies to address HIV health disparities.
A QualCore faculty member provides mentorship on study design and protocol development. The QualCore mentor together with QualCore staff provide guidance for developing the question guides. Interviewers conduct in-depth interviews and moderate focus groups. Analysts lead both rapid and formal thematic data analysis. The QualCore mentor and staff also provide support for writing up the study findings.
Expanding the Reach of an HIV Rapid Response Re-Engagement Team (H3RT): Assessing the Readiness of Key Stakeholders
Status: On-going
QualCore is partnering with principal investigator Charles Burns, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine of Infectious Disease, and co-investigator Lance Okeke, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine of Infectious Disease (at the time of study implementation), to explore the acceptability and feasibility of an intervention to support the reengagement of people living with HIV (PLWH) into HIV care. The study assesses the acceptability of H3RT as a re-engagement approach among PLWH and the feasibility and acceptability of having Duke University Health System partner with external health systems to enhance local re-engagement efforts of PLWH among HIV clinicians.
A QualCore faculty member/co-investigator contributed to the study design and protocol development. QualCore faculty and team lead the development of the interview guides. Interviewers conduct in-depth interviews and analysts lead both rapid and formal thematic data analysis and prepare analytical summaries. QualCore provides support in preparing manuscripts.
HIV Retention and Reengagement in Durham, NC
Status: On-going
QualCore is partnering with principal investigator Naseem Alavian, MD, Infectious Diseases Fellow in the Duke University School of Medicine, to investigate the feasibility and acceptability of a collaboration model between the health-system based in the Duke Infectious Disease HIV Clinic (Clinic 1K) and the Durham County Department of Public Health. The study focuses on identifying how to coordinate HIV retention and reengagement efforts across organizations.
A QualCore faculty member provides mentorship on study design and developing the protocol and question guides. Interviewers contribute to question guide development and conduct the in-depth interviews. Analysts lead formal thematic data analysis. QualCore provides support in preparing manuscripts.
Training the Next Generation of HIV Scientists
Evidence to Practice (E2P)
Status: Completed
In partnership with the Evidence to Practice (E2P) Program Director, Lance Okeke, MD, MPH, Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, QualCore faculty (Corneli) serves as the E2P Evaluation Director of a Center for AIDS Research, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Pathway Initiative (CDEIPI) award. The goal of E2P is to increase student interest in careers in HIV science through providing experienced-based introduction to a range of HIV-related disciplines and skills. The E2P intensive workshop is conducted with undergraduate, graduate, and pharmacy students at various Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Institutions primarily serving Black and African American students in the region.
The QualCore faculty member leads the evaluation study design and the development the study protocol and data collection instruments in partnership with other project investigators. Interviewers and analysts administer pre- and post- workshop surveys and conduct in-depth interviews with selected workshop participants. Analysts lead the thematic analysis of interview data and prepare analytical summaries. The QualCore faculty member also co-leads manuscript preparation in partnership with other investigators.
Integrated Mineral Metabolism Treatment Strategies in Patients with End-Stage Kidney Disease on Dialysis
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with Julia Scialla, MD, MHS, an Associate Professor in the Division of Nephrology at the University of Virginia, on a R01 (R01DK111952) to determine factors that influence patients' and providers' initial choice of mineral metabolism treatments and treatment changes over time for patients with end-stage kidney disease on hemodialysis.
In collaboration with Dr. Scialla, a QualCore faculty member/co-investigator contributed to study design and led development of question guides, and wrote up the study findings. Interviewers and analysts conducted in-depth interviews with patients and providers and analyzed data thematically and prepared analytical summaries.
Status: On-going
QualCore is partnering with principal investigator Sarahn Wheeler, MD, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, to test the efficacy of PROMOTE (Provider Remote Obstetric-Related Employment Education), a previously piloted intervention aimed to improve clinician team members’ counseling and work-related documentation for racially and socioeconomically diverse pregnant patients’ employment experiences and pregnancy health outcomes.
A QualCore faculty member/co-investigator contributes to study design and grant proposal development. QualCore faculty and interviewers develop interview question guides and contribute to manuscript preparation. Interviewers conduct serial in-depth interviews and analysts lead the thematic analysis of interview data (R01HD115609).
Understanding Barriers and Facilitators to Prompt Presentation in Women Eligible for 17-P
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Sarahn Wheeler, MD, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (at the time of study implementation), to identify patient-perceived barriers and facilitators to timely presentation for initiation of weekly 17-hydroxprogesterone caproate (17-P) injections aimed at preventing recurrence of preterm birth.
A QualCore faculty member provided mentorship in study design, grant writing, and question guide development and in writing up the study findings. Interviewers and analysts conducted the interviews and assisted with thematic data analysis. Interviewers also provided tailored training for Dr. Wheeler’s team to build capacity in conducting in-depth interviews. A QualCore faculty member and interviewers/analysts contributed to manuscript preparation.
Toward Effective Cooperation between Clinical and Other Community Stakeholders Committed to Stemming the Opioid Epidemic
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Farr Curlin, MD, Professor of Medicine, and co-principal investigator Brett McCarty, ThD, Instructor in Population Health Sciences (at the time of study implementation), to identify perceived barriers that prevent institutions from responding collaboratively to the opioid epidemic and to develop stakeholder-derived recommendations for overcoming barriers and responding collaboratively to the opioid epidemic
A QualCore faculty member provided mentorship in developing the study protocol and question guides and in writing up the findings. Analysts assisted the principal investigators in thematically analyzing the data and wrote up the study findings. A QualCore faculty member and interviewers/analysts contributed to manuscript preparation.
QUALITE-Pain In-Depth Concept Elicitation Interviews
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with Shannon Smith, PhD, principal investigator from the University of Rochester, and co-investigator, Bryce Reeve, PhD, to develop a standardized patient-reported outcome measure of pain intensity. The study aimed to create a measure that was easily interpretable, psychometrically sound, and qualified by the FDA and EMA for use in clinical trials.
QualCore interviewers conducted concept elicitation interviews with patients experiencing acute and chronic pain to gather feedback on existing pain measures and identify improvements. Analysts conducted thematic analyses of interview data and prepared analytical summaries. A QualCore faculty member and interviewers/analysts contributed to manuscript preparation.
What Matters to You Matters to Us: Development of a Patient/Family-Centered Health Model for Complex Pediatric Populations
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator David Ming, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and of Medicine (at the time of study implementation), and Director of Duke Children’s Complex Care Services, to describe the experiences and needs of children with medical complexity from the perspectives of their family and members of their support and social networks.
In partnership with Dr. Ming, a QualCore faculty member/co-investigator contributed to grant proposal development, study design, and protocol development; led question guide development; and wrote the study findings. Interviewers conducted in-depth interviews with caregivers and members of caregivers’ support networks and analysts analyzed data thematically and prepared analytical summaries.
Infant Feeding
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Charles Wood, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, to understand modifiable risk factors for rapid infant weight gain and obesity among infants of racial and ethnic minority families.
A QualCore faculty member provided mentorship in developing the study design and question guide. Interviewers and analysts provided tailored training for Dr. Wood to build capacity in conducting in-depth interviews. QualCore analysts thematically analyzed interview data and wrote up the study findings. A QualCore faculty member and an interviewer/analyst contributed to manuscript preparation.
Reducing Disparities in Medication Adherence of Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Kai Sun, MD, MS, Medical Instructor in the Division of Rheumatology and Immunology (at the time of study implementation), to identify key contributors to disparities in medication adherence among patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, including patient self-efficacy, patient-provider communication, and racial discordance.
A QualCore faculty member provided mentorship in developing the grant proposal and question guides and in writing up the findings. Interviewers conducted in-depth interviews with patients and provided tailored training for Dr. Sun to build capacity in conducting interviews. Analysts analyzed interview data thematically and prepared analytical summaries. A QualCore faculty member and interviewers/analysts contributed to manuscript preparation.
Utilizing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods to Understand a New Model of Type 1 and 2 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Amanda Eudy, PhD, MSPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Rheumatology and Immunology, to describe lupus patients’ experiences with physician- and patient-reported signs and symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus.
A QualCore faculty member provided mentorship in developing the study protocol and question guide and in writing up the findings. Interviewers and analysts provided tailored training for Dr. Eudy to build capacity in conducting in-depth interviews and data analysis. Analysts analyzed data thematically and prepared analytical summaries. A QualCore faculty member and interviewers/analysts contributed to manuscript preparation.
WHEEL: Improving Quality of Life in SLE by Stratified Personalized Health Planning
Status: On-going
QualCore is partnering with principal investigator Jen Rogers, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Rheumatology and Immunology, to develop a program to improve the quality of life for people living with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) via customized health plans based on the disease characteristics of individual patients.
QualCore faculty contributes to study design, protocol, and question guide development. QualCore moderators contribute to question guide development and conduct focus group discussions with SLE patients and rheumatologists on program format, content, and materials. QualCore interviews conduct in-depth interviews with patients and providers after program implementation to assess the feasibility, demand, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of the program. QualCore analyst lead the thematic analysis of interview data and prepare analytical summaries. The QualCore team contribute to manuscript preparation.
The Older Adult Trauma Patient’s Experience
Status: On-Going
QualCore is partnering with principal investigator Krista Haines, DO, MA, Assistant Professor of Surgery, on a K23 study (K23AG065464) to conduct a longitudinal, qualitative descriptive study to identify aspects of quality of life among older adult trauma patients and their caregivers.
A QualCore faculty member provides mentorship in study design and grant proposal development, and in developing the question guides and manuscripts. Interviewers contribute to question guide development and conduct in-depth interviews with patients and their caregivers over four time periods. Analysts lead the formal thematic analysis of the interview data and prepare analytical summaries. A QualCore faculty member and interviewers/analysts contribute to manuscript preparation.
STudy to Enhance uNderstanding of sTent-associated Symptoms (STENTS)
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Charles Scales, Jr., MD, MSHS, Associate Professor of Surgery, on a U01 study (U01DK110988) to conduct a qualitative nested study that describes patient-reported experiences of stent-associated symptoms in the short term, following ureteroscopy for renal/ureteral stones, in the domains of pain, urinary symptoms, and interference.
In partnership with Dr. Scales, a QualCore faculty member/co-investigator contributed to the study design and question guide development, and in writing up the study findings. Interviewers conducted the in-depth interviews with patients. Analysts led the thematic analysis of interview data analysis and prepared analytical summaries. A QualCore faculty member and interviewers/analysts led manuscript preparation.
Institutional Support for Family Caregivers of Veterans
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Megan Shepherd-Banigan, PhD, Research Scientist at the Durham Veteran’s Administration (VA) Health Care System and Assistant Professor in Population Health Sciences, and co-investigator Courtney Van Houtven, PhD, Research Scientist at the Durham VA Health Care System and Professor in Population Health Sciences, to identify factors related to institutional support for family caregivers. The overall purpose of the research was to identify how health and social service delivery systems can be aligned to meet veterans’ physical, mental, and social needs.
In collaboration with the investigators, a QualCore interviewer/analyst contributed to conducting the in-depth interviews with caregivers, analyzing data thematically, writing analytical summaries, and preparing manuscripts.
The Campaign for Inclusive Care
Status: Completed
QualCore partnered with principal investigator Nina Sperber, PhD, Research Scientist in the Durham VA Health Care System and Assistant Professor in Population Health Sciences (at the time of study implementation), to examine provider and caregiver perspectives on the inclusion of family caregivers in VA-provided medical care.
In collaboration with Dr. Sperber, a QualCore interviewer/analyst contributed to designing question guides, conducting interviews, analyzing data thematically, writing analytical summaries, and preparing manuscripts.